Installations for your point of sale: consulting, conception and implementation.

Installations &
Venue Service

Installations & Venue Service

Inspire customers with technical room concepts.

Faster, better, bigger, more creative, more innovative. The variety of technical solutions increases daily. It is impossible for most people to keep track of them all. If you don't deal with technical installations, you don't even know what potential is hidden in your own location. Nevertheless, as a company, you want to stage your "point of sale" as creatively and cleverly as possible. This is the only way to inspire your customers and leave a lasting positive impression. Customers interact and find the right information. The combination of digital elements and physical contact results in a hybrid experience for your customers.

Winkler Livecom unterstützt Sie bereits bei der Ideenfindung und hilft geeignete Lösungen für Ihre Lokalität zu finden. Wir gestalten interaktive Kundenpräsentationen und nutzen Räume multifunktional. Als einer der führenden Anbieter von Live-Erlebnissen beraten wir Sie gerne in der Umsetzung Ihres Vorhabens und visualisieren auch denkbare Szenarien.

Your experience space put in scene.

We build the multimedia technology for your world of experience. By worlds of experience we mean places or meeting places that offer an experience of a special kind. These are public places, museums, exhibitions or showrooms. Often these places are staged with multimedia technology. This is where we come in. We skilfully use our know-how from the event industry to create experiences in your premises.

New presentation possibilities based on neuroscientific findings.

The latest findings from neuroscience are still little used in business today. There is too little people-friendly communication, sales and work. This is where Trihow comes in with its approaches and solutions and consistently merges the sensual haptics from the analog world with the efficient working methods of the digital world.

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New presentation
possibilities on the basis
of neuroscientific

The latest findings from neuroscience are still little used in business today. There is too little people-friendly communication, sales and work. This is where Trihow comes in with its approaches and solutions and consistently merges the sensual haptics from the analog world with the efficient working methods of the digital world.

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Venue Services

Are you planning a new event location? You already operate a venue and would like to bring it technically up to date? Or are you looking for an experienced partner for the technical infrastructure?

Let the venue specialists at Winkler Livecom advise you: Benefit from our event experience and use our know-how as one of the biggest Swiss names for live communication and event technology.

Whether you require individual services or a complete outsourcing solution is irrelevant. You set the pace. Of course, we also offer you a tailor-made financing solution.

Our solution is called Win-Win-Win

Winkler Livecom brings a breath of fresh air to the venue services market with its win-win-win solution approach. Now all parties involved - customers, operators, event organizers and service providers - really do benefit by receiving the latest event technology for their event at rental conditions in line with the market. This is made possible by pre-installed components such as mobile stages, intelligent multifunctional spotlights or audio equipment, because we also believe that the existing venue technology should be adapted to the event and not vice versa.


Winkler Livecom supports you in the conception of your venue: in technical planning, with studies and rough concepts. Of course, we also take care of on-site project management, prepare tenders or advise you on technical decisions. And we visualize our ideas with 3D renderings, plans and references.


Winkler Livecom not only provides you with the infrastructure, but also with trained personnel. Our specialists operate and maintain the technical equipment and develop it further if necessary. In this way, we ensure on site that everything in your venue runs exactly as smoothly as you want it to.


Winkler Livecom manages one of the largest material parks in Europe. Thanks to our expertise and close cooperation with leading manufacturers, we know which developments and innovations will bring you real benefits. In addition, we ensure that your equipment is professionally maintained.


Our service competence includes the development and operation of individual and efficient technology solutions for your event location. Winkler Livecom supports you with the following specialists, among others:


  • Project developer
  • CAD draftsman
  • Multimedia designer
  • Stage and room designers
  • Technical project manager
  • Technical Area Manager 
  • CAD specialist planner
  • Structural engineer
  • Multimedia technician
  • content manager
  • Programmer
  • Technical project managers
  • Site Manager Technician 
  • Operator
  • Service personnel for light, sound, video, LED, rigging

Equipment and renewal at your location

Auditoriums and conference rooms

Whether in hotels or in rooms of institutions; auditoriums and conference rooms require extensive technical equipment. At the latest since the Corona Year 2020, you know that you can communicate from your location to the whole world. Preferably multilingual and tap-proof? With extensive know-how in the field of network technology, these rooms are equipped multifunctionally today.

  • Streaming solutions
  • Conference technology with video integration
  • Networking
  • Multimedia

Community halls / multipurpose halls / event rooms / hotels

You need a new sound system or want to replace your outdated spotlights? You want to show your guests the way or inform them and need a digital signage system? We have extensive knowledge, so that your venue shines again in new splendor. We would be happy to visit you personally to carry out an analysis of the necessary work.

WLAN installations

An important prerequisite for offering a good infrastructure is a flawless WLAN installation. It is often assumed that WLAN services are only offered by well-known large telecommunications providers.

However, the technology is available to everyone. We offer customized solutions that pay for themselves in just a few months. This is in comparison to standard products on the market, which are rented.

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27. July 2022

Importeur DLD Trading AG − Showroom in Glattbrugg

Im Auftrag der DLD Trading AG (Sitz in Muri b. Bern) installierte Winkler die technische Infrastruktur im Showroom in Glattbrugg.

1. December 2020

UNO TIC − Festinstallation Konferenzhalle

Der Palais des Nations in Genf am europäischen Hauptsitz der UNO wird von 2020 - 2025 umfassend renoviert. Währenddessen findet ein Teil der UNO-Konferenzen in einem temporären Ersatzbau (TIC) statt.

24. June 2020

Tägi AG − Festinstallation

Das frisch renovierte Tägi in Wettingen hat die Zeit während der Corona-Krise genutzt, um ihre Signaletik mit einer passenden Digital-Signage-Anlage zu professionalisieren. Winkler installierte die Bildschirme und schulte das Personal im Umgang mit der Anlage.

7. November 2019

Hypothekarbank Lenzburg AG − Wohlen branch

A new branch of Hypothekarbank Lenzburg was opened in Wohlen. Designed to be innovative, it aims to enable customers to engage with the bank’s digital products and thus roll out Switzerland's first hybrid bank.

Your direct contact

"Our installations department will be happy to advise you and guarantee professional implementation. Whether temporary or permanently installed."
