Radio Argovia −
Argovia Fäscht
An open-air event staged in Aargau, the Argovia Fäscht Festival, drew in the crowds again this year with around 40,000 fans and many locals attending the event at Birrfeld airfield.
Despite the poor weather forecast and a rainy “Beizlifäscht” event on the Friday, it stayed dry for the main open-air attraction the following day. Nothing could stand in the way of the party of the year! Winkler supported Radio Argovia for the second time with lighting design and staging for the international line-up of artists including Nickless, Alma, Bligg, Hecht, John Newman, SDP and Ofenbach.
2017, 2018, 2019
Radio Argovia
Winkler Livecom AG
Technical Planning
Winkler Livecom AG
Winkler Livecom AG
Details Realisation
Rigging, Video, Lighting