Winkler changes its brand presentation to become Winkler Livecom®
Winkler Livecom® looks back on five years of strong development. Following successful restructuring in 2011 with minor brand adjustments, Winkler Livecom® is now moving forward. The new branding emanates both strength and creative expertise. Strongly rooted in past tradition, it looks to the future in its new ambitious role as a technical creative service provider.
«Digital and creative expertise are becoming increasingly pivotal. There is huge potential in the creative use of event engineering enhanced by digital solutions. We have realigned ourselves strategically in response to this. In the first step we added two new departments, Event Design and Business Innovations to our services portfolio. In autumn 2015 we adapted our structure to make the entire value creation process more customer centric. We can now externalise all these innovations in the new brand. Now as before, however, traditional event engineering remains our core business», says Christian Künzli, Managing Director.
About Winkler
Winkler Livecom® places brands centre stage for maximum emotional and digital impact. We support event organisers, companies and agencies from creative concept to precisely timed events for memorable brand experiences.