MCH Group: Management buyout at Winkler Livecom AG
«In the field of Live Marketing Solutions, we wish to focus on the expansion and international alignment of the services we offer at the strategy and concept level – Reflection Marketing and MCH Global – as well as on the implementation of temporary structures – Expomobilia, MC2, Metron», explains Hans-Kristian Hoejsgaard, interim CEO of the MCH Group. With a strategic alignment based on these priorities, Winkler Livecom AG would have had only limited opportunities for development within the MCH Group, since it is primarily geared to the national market and, as a service provider, does not have direct contact with the end customer for many of its assignments. «We are delighted that we can enable Winkler and its employees to pursue a highly promising way forward and wish them every success», stresses Hans-Kristian Hoejsgaard.
«As an independent company, we will be able to develop our own strategy and align our structures in an even more targeted manner to the needs of our market and customer segments», says Christian Künzli, managing director of Winkler Livecom AG to date and one of the three new owners. Also participating in the purchase of Winkler Livecom AG are Stefan Mathys – previously responsible for Sales & Marketing – and the business consultant and investment entrepreneur Benedickt Brenninkmeijer. «We are looking forward to embarking on a new path with new prospects for the future. The conditions are good, and we are highly motivated», stresses Christian Künzli. «And we will naturally also continue to be a competent service provider for the MCH Group.»
The sale of Winkler Livecom AG, has no impact on the 75 or so employees, who will be transferred to the new ownership within the current organisational structure. The orderly switch to independence is ensured through the requisite transition periods and service contracts. Continuation of the ongoing assignments and work is also guaranteed.
The services provided by Winkler Livecom AG extend from the development of ideas right through to the implementation of multimedia solutions in the entire live communications market. The company was acquired by the MCH Group in 2005 and was its first acquisition in the context of building up the current Live Marketing Solutions division.
Media contacts
MCH Group
Corporate Communications
Christian Jecker
+41 58 206 22 52
Winkler Livecom AG
Managing Director
Christian Künzli
+41 56 618 59 50